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    Friday, February 9, 2018

    Summary: Network forensic frameworks: Survey and research challenges

    Network Forensic is the science that deals with the study of Network traffic flow, capture, recording, monitoring, control and collection in order to find the source of security breach or security policy violation. This paper discuss the existing Network forensics framework system and proposed new generic framework for Network forensics. We also discussed and identified new and current research challenges.

    In January 2009, most popular social media sites like Facebook, twitter and google blogger were under denial of service attacks. The reason was no tools that monitor the traffic and generate alert when reach threshold were installed on network. Network forensic could help in that case at very initial stage by generation notification by just inspecting and analyzing abnormal transmission packets. Network forensics is not another name of network security rather it is extension to network security because it happens after crime committed and gather its information from firewall, intrusion detection system and other security products. Network forensic could trace the culprit, methodology used to attack, duration of attack and possibly the reason of the attack. It is worthwhile to note that Network security breach may or may not  be network forensic issue because some time a legally declared crime may not be a security policy violation. Network security protects against security attack while Network forensics capture and record to find the evidence of attack.

    We divide Network Forensics in two types based on nature, collection and purpose. Nature: Network Forensics is built in hardware and software based or only Software tools based. Collection: How data is collected whiter it is stop look and stop listen base in which random packets are selected and analyzed or catch it as you can base in which each and every packet passing through a specific point is captured, stored and analyzed. Purpose: whither Network Forensics is for finding the source and culprit or it is protecting the Network from possible attacks.

    Network Forensics tools help system and network administrator to capture, record and analyze the network traffic and gather information about crime investigation. Network forensics tools also help to initiate the incident response. Some of the most popular current Network Forensics tools include NetIntercept, PyFlag, NetFlow, Silk, TCP Flow, TCPDump, nfDump, TCPTrace,NTAP, TCPDstat, Nmap and Pof , wireshar, slinet runner, netwitness and netDetector etc.

    Many network commands built in modern operating systems can help and assist network administrator in network foresnics at some extent. Some of these commands are as follows: nsLookUp, TCPstat, Tracerout, Netstat, nbtstat , whois, ping, dig etc.

    There exist some digital forensic model like one presented in Digital Forensics Research workshop that consist of following steps: Identification, preservation, collection, Examine, analysis, decision and Presentation. Many other Process model were presented since then but all of them were related to Digital forensic and not for specially Network Forensics. Ren and Jen presented first proper Process model for Network Forensics in 2005 consisting of the following steps: Capture, copy, transfer, analysis, Investigation and presentation.

    We propose our Generic Network Forensics framework process model with following steps: Preparation, Detection, Collection, Preservation, Examination, Analysis, Investigation and finally presentation.

    There are many Frameworks exist including Distributes system based Networks, Soft computing based networks , Honeypots based frameworks, attack graph based frameworks, Formal method based frameworks, Aggregation frameworks,

    Today Network is everywhere and so is the chance of cyber and network based attacks therefore Networks Forensics need deep research and it face many challenges to overcome some of them are given below: Collection and Detection, Data fusion and examination,  Analysis, Investigation and Incident Response.

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